Monday 28 April 2008

it has just ocurd to me that i haven't made any comment about the tights!

ok well here we go!

on our day off school (teacher stike) me and my dear firned alex decided we would go on a trip. ok no thats a lie i forced her to come on the trip with me. and being the slags we are we wanted no another lie...i have a boyfirend so...she wanted to impress guys.

in reference to our sluttiness? we do wear skirts to school therefoore we have to have tights as in the winter girls do not have a tan and will not show off their legs. this is where the problem occured. neither of us had any tights that weren't pale, holey or laddered! WTF??

so me being the lovely friend i am offers to buy some tights on the way over to alex's house. hmmm big mistake...tip: never let me buy tights alone!
so there i am making my purchase in the lovely shop we call sainsbury's and off i am to alex's with the tights!

ok so i get there and we get the tights out to get changed into out cskirts/shorts and what have i done. ohhhh shit! we wanted clack tights i din't by skin tooned ones...these tights were black...well "nearly black". this was when i discovered i should read the colour of the tights befor ei buy them.

they werent black or even nearly black like the packet said they were they were infact GRANNY FREEKING GREY!!!!!

it was horrific but funny. so we took them back and brought black ones...well alex got them and i paid haha!

btw the trip was shit!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

iv had teh same xepreience with! Tights! omg! Yer your sooo funny i luv re4ading your blogs! haha xxxx call me