Monday 28 April 2008

it has just ocurd to me that i haven't made any comment about the tights!

ok well here we go!

on our day off school (teacher stike) me and my dear firned alex decided we would go on a trip. ok no thats a lie i forced her to come on the trip with me. and being the slags we are we wanted no another lie...i have a boyfirend so...she wanted to impress guys.

in reference to our sluttiness? we do wear skirts to school therefoore we have to have tights as in the winter girls do not have a tan and will not show off their legs. this is where the problem occured. neither of us had any tights that weren't pale, holey or laddered! WTF??

so me being the lovely friend i am offers to buy some tights on the way over to alex's house. hmmm big mistake...tip: never let me buy tights alone!
so there i am making my purchase in the lovely shop we call sainsbury's and off i am to alex's with the tights!

ok so i get there and we get the tights out to get changed into out cskirts/shorts and what have i done. ohhhh shit! we wanted clack tights i din't by skin tooned ones...these tights were black...well "nearly black". this was when i discovered i should read the colour of the tights befor ei buy them.

they werent black or even nearly black like the packet said they were they were infact GRANNY FREEKING GREY!!!!!

it was horrific but funny. so we took them back and brought black ones...well alex got them and i paid haha!

btw the trip was shit!


Tuesday 1 April 2008

oh i do lov to be by the sea side!

or something like that i just want to go on holiday i know i am like next week but it wont be hot bikini and shorts weather...even though that is what i will wear. i want to go somewhere on an airplane and relax and get a tan!

i NEED a tan for the prom.

i also reaaly want to sun bathe like i can't wait till then sun comes out. ok yer you can get cancer and die but i mean you need some sun. without it your skin goes pail and you look ill. sunlight is full of vitamin c! we need vitamin c for good will clear away spots so yer. i need to sunbathe!

HANDY HINT: do NOT under any circumstances wear sun glasses whilst you are sunbathing! you will end up looking like an alien freak if you need to you can shut your eyes...this is better!

haha lol xxx

deoxiribo nucleic acid

or DNA as we know it!

on that subject i knew onions had dna of course but it got me thinking when we cut ourselves you know like fall over and cut our knee we tear the skin cells and therefore our dna strands which is really when we cut through and onion and take out its DNA...does it hurt them??

someone help me i am so confused...
i mean i owuldn't want to be causing pain to a vegetable.

however if it feels pain throught that imagine how it must feel when we eat it...

so actually even vegetarians are killing things and eating them because the cells are ALIVE so if you really wanted to be a vegetarian and not eat anything that had been killed you would actually have to eat NOTHING!

this is stupid but yer do onions feel pain?


we did you boyfriend!

and we were too much!

haha long time know write..jah i know!

ok well anyhu my dear friend alex wants to go to the works ( a night club) and we were discussing what we were going to wear!..hmm
well we have decided to get some t-shirts printed and as you can see our line is pretty awesome!

truth hurts people we are sorry not our fault we are amazing!

lol xxxx